Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year 2013!

Hello Everyone!

In this last day of 2012, when we are celebrating with our loved ones and friends.  This is the time, like it is everday, to be grateful for all the blessings that we have in our lives.


All the best in the world.

Diana :-)  <3   Michael Jackson- Man in the mirror - Live at Wembley 1988. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

It's Your Life After All

Hello, Everyone.

Here I'am taking the freedom to come back to you just with a though and a poem from one of my favorite poets.

Much love, and God bless today and always.
Diana <3

It's Your Life After All.

You are amazing because you can be the greatest architect, teacher, entertainer, doctor, painter, whatever you do in life, and you know this job doesn’t make who you are and this is not exactly why you are here in this world, why you are here in your living existence.
Yes, you are successful, and you are struggling as well to survive in your daily work and with your relationships.  But there is one thing that you are always doing consciously or unconsciously, if you are aware or not…  You always love yourself and you love someone else in your life no matter what.
This is the feeling you cannot stop experiencing.  This is the situation you cannot stop being going through.   This is what you need the most and you cannot live without.   This is Love.
You are amazing because you say how much you mean to yourself and how much your loved ones and friends mean to you.   It’s a need that you have, expressing this and more, without fear, with all your might, you can’t deny it, you can’t hold it, you feel it inside, you just feel it right.  It is after all, your life. 
You are light, life,love, and freedom.  
You are the "light" in the world to live a "life" full in unity, in "love" with someone else, and one love with all, with all the "freedom" that you deserve as an active participant aware of your existence in mind, spirit, heart, in all yourself.