Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Amazing In Love IS

Hello, Everyone!

I gotta share with you that sometimes, if it is not most of the times, I experience so many noises outside my office.  And this gave me such inspiration to write a new poem, believe it or not.   How is it possible to get inspired surrounded by such annoying noises?  All I can tell is: "this lady is in love."  I feel so blessed!

Much, Love.
Diana <3

The Amazing in love is
There is a lot of noise outside my window.
Workers are using heavy machines and tools.
They are drilling, cutting, and welding. 
I can still write about my love.


There is the noise on the street outside my window
The heavy traffic is a mess
Drivers are driving crazy and yelling with despair.
I can still whisper about my love to myself.
The amazing in love is
It doesn’t matter where I ‘am
My heart is where my love rest free
Even when the outside world is trying out my patience.


Why I ‘am experiencing this noise?
Does it have a purpose?
Is it my soul in need of a lesson?
Is this to discover how brave or how weak I ‘am?
I just have this thought, this feeling deep inside of me
While all that noise is outside trying to break me down
I just close my eyes and listen to the harmony of all my being
Because I see myself in the arms of my tender love .


My love is whispering softly to my ears
Like music and poetry giving me such joy
I just lose myself in my love’s sweet serenade
I ‘am stronger, high, and brave. 
So, come on noises!  I ‘am not afraid of you!
I know you are here to bother me for a while
But I’ am not going down with all of you
Because my love is consciously warm, real, and true.       


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