Wednesday, August 15, 2012

You Are Amazing

Welcome Everyone to my poetry blog "U Are The Amazing"

I love to write, but I love the most when I take the freedom to share it with my amazing people, my family and friends.  But blogging is a new experience for me.  I'am very excited because I'am starting this new adventure with you, my dear new friend, you... the amazing one who is reading my words today.

My blog is inspired by my twitter, under the same name: 

So, you are more than welcome to visit me here.

Ok, I better stop talking and start right away with this.

All the Best.



Hello, my friend.
I ‘am here to tell you one truth:
“You Are Amazing”

You know it, you feel it… it is you.

You are very present in this life,
It‘s the “now” where you are located.

So, you’ve been doing wonders lately,

Starting at home and going beyond.

I must say I’ve been able to see you shine.
You are that architect, doctor, nurse.

You are that philanthropist, teacher, leader…
Yes, you’ve been making our world go round.

You are always present in times of love, joy, need, and wonder.
You are shinning with this powerful light that you have inside.

But, you’ve been also present in times of anger, despair, and ignorance.
Well, you know that after the storm the sun always shine.

Then, this is the truth, my friend.
You are love, always… you are amazing…

Please remember this for when you get lost,
So you’ll always find your way home.

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