Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Letter To My Love

You know the history between you and me, from the beginning to our present.  What can I tell you about this?  With my embrace I ‘am so grateful for all the times I’ve been and I ‘am able to find you to communicate my message of love, desire, caring, friendship, and peace so honest, sincere, that I ‘am able to reach you deep, inspiring you.  I see you, my love.  What a joy!   You are my truest dream.  
I ‘am In love with your heart, your soul, your essence, all that you share with me, but also what I’ve been able to discover from your being in your silence because you let me.  How wonderful it is to spot you in the light, the one that you have and it always makes you shine like the stars in the dark sky at nights, so beautiful, so right, and so fine.
I say “I love you” as often as I can and also when you are in my thoughts.  Then I find you answering me back with such amazing gifts that I just thank god for you, for being this amazing, mystery, man with me.   You tell me “I love you” and I smile inside and outside of all myself like a kid.
My baby, thank you for let me love you and for love me back.   Thank you for listen to me because I talk too much, but god knows that my talking is the love I feel for you and I ‘am not ashamed to express.   Thank you for let me tell you how proud I ‘am about you.   Thank you for understand me and for all those misunderstandings and troubles that put us to the test.   Thank you for your unique ways.  Thank you because you exist.
We know where we are in our present.  We are so aware of our surroundings.  We ask questions and we get answers.  We are together and we are far away in the distance.   We are right and we are wrong.  We are high and we are low.  We are just two souls inside our bodies having experiences in this world.  We are confusion and we are light, but we are love after all.  You are the man I love, you are my hero, and you are always in my heart.

Truly Yours,
Diana <3

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